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Physical Fear vs Psychological Fear

1. Physical Fear

Definition: Physical fear is a response to an immediate, tangible threat to one’s body or physical well-being.

Cause: It is triggered by real, external stimuli that threaten survival or bodily harm.


  • Being chased by an animal
  • Facing a natural disaster
  • Experiencing a near-miss in a car accident

Effects on the Body:

  • Fight or flight response
  • Release of adrenaline, rapid breathing, heightened alertness
  • Physical reactions such as sweating and muscle tension

Purpose: Prepares the body to either confront the danger (fight) or escape from it (flight).

2. Psychological Fear

Definition: Psychological fear deals with perceived threats to emotional, mental, or social well-being, often linked to anxieties about potential future events.

Cause: Driven by internal thoughts, beliefs, or projections rather than immediate physical dangers.


  • Fear of failure or rejection
  • Anxiety over public speaking
  • Worrying about the future

Effects on the Body and Mind:

  • Chronic stress and long-term health issues
  • Overthinking and avoidance behaviors
  • Feelings of helplessness or paralysis

Purpose: Originally evolved to help anticipate future dangers, but can become maladaptive if left unchecked.

Key Differences:

  • Immediate vs. Anticipatory: Physical fear is an immediate response, while psychological fear is anticipatory.
  • Tangible vs. Intangible: Physical fear arises from real threats; psychological fear is based on imagined or perceived dangers.
  • Short-term vs. Long-term: Physical fear often results in short-term responses, while psychological fear can lead to long-term stress.

Face the Tiger

Physical fear you can manage, for example if the snake suddenly comes across either you jump or move away, the moment it is gone from there your fear is gone, I might be excited for sometime but, in case of psychological fear it is tough because there is nothing in front of you so you can't dodge it or escape". The escape plan is simple just by realizing, it is "not real" there is no snake to fear. It might look so simple but, yes it is just a second when you realize it not real so it doesn't exist, so there is no need to fight, in fact you cannot fight any thing which doesn't exist, a snake you can or a tiger you can but not something which is not existing. Close your eyes feel the anxiety, realize the threat is not real. "The bottom line is you can fix the problem that exists, and you don't fix anything that doesn't exist, so no need to be anxious hance no need to fear".